Saturday, June 23, 2007

OOps, I was TAGGED, .....LAST WEEK (!)

Ok, I admit that I have been lax in reading my comments, and just realized that Supa Scrapper MUKA tagged me this past week!! Wow, I never thought that would happen. Now I have to think of seven trivial things to tell you all about My Innermost Me.....hmmm....

7 Things About Me

1. I'm bilingual in English & French as I grew up partially in Belgium. My mom is from Brussels and besides living there for kindergarten & 1st grade, we returned every summer for 3 months to visit my family. I'm supposed to be some kinda lingual in Hebrew after 12 years of Hebrew school, but all I can do is read it and have little clue as to what the heck it meant. Ok, Abba is father and Eema is mother (phonetically), but I'm referring to conversational comprehension level here being the problem {grin}.

2. I'm an only child. 'nuff said!

3. I love to collect celebrity autographs (actually that would make a really cool LO using scans of some of the autographs).

4. I also collect PEZ dispensers, Wacky Packages and Viewmaster stuff. I'm talking expensive vintage grade, but also new cheap ones which will someday become expensive vintage grade!

5. I am a (single) foster mother. My goal is to adopt. I had a lovely child for 4.5 months that I had hoped to keep but she went back to her family. Luckily I remain in her life.

6. I'm the person who sets up everyone's computers, VCR's, stereo systems, and the like. I rewired the phone wiring in my mom's house at age 14. OK, we had to call the phone company afterwards, but it got me started !!

7. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis which has made life hell at times in the last 25 years, but we humans do learn to adjust and adapt. Things are going A-OK now though! I certainly can't run track and field anymore but who can in their 40's?!

Now I gotta tag 7 people, OY! I'll have to think on that one and post my tags later this weekend. Hope this was intriguing for you to read, it was like pulling teeth for me. You see you are reading this over what, like 1 minute? But it took me, like, an hour to think up and type in!

1 comment:

Muka said...

things have been so busy here that I haven;t stopped in for a while, and now I'm catching up, so this'll be a comment on all the above posts, lol! first of all so sorry to hear about someone selling something similar to your tags... perhaps she only copied your idea? I;ve seen many designers do that... have you emailed her? (not trying to make an excuse, just trying to figure this out)
also, thanks for doing my tag! it was very cool to learn more about you... like you collecting PEZ dispensers.. who knew? LOL! are you Jewish btw? (I mean, if you've gone to Hebrew school... but just curious :))